Cast Members: Actors and Extras

Lists of Hoosiers Supporting Actors and Nonspeaking Extras

Hickory Huskers
Supporting Actors
Opposing Teams
 Oolitic Owls
 Cedar Knob Knights
 Verdi Hornets
 Terhune Tigers
 Linton Wildcats
 South Bend Central Bears
 Norman’s 1939 Team Photo
 Unknown Teams
 Hickory Husker Cheerleaders
 Opposing Team Cheerleaders
Opposing Coaches
New Richmond Residents Who Were Involved with Hoosiers
Knightstown Residents Who Were Involved with Hoosiers
Students and Teacher Who Participated in School Scenes
In Memoriam

Hickory Huskers

Actor Character Uniform Number Hometown High School College
Brad Boyle Whit Butcher 43 Decatur Bellmont Ball State
Steve Hollar Rade Butcher 25 Warsaw Warsaw DePauw
Brad Long Buddy Walker 14 Greenwood Center Grove Southwestern College (Winfield, KS)
David Neidorf Everett Flatch 21 Los Angeles, CA Harvard Westlake (Los Angeles) University of California–Berkeley
Kent Poole Merle Webb 12 Advance Western Boone
Wade Schenck Ollie McClellen 13 Lyons L&M
Scott Summers Strap Purl 53 Brownsburg Bethesda Christian School IUPUI, Taylor University
Maris Valainis Jimmy Chitwood 15 Indianapolis Bishop Chatard Purdue, IUPUI
Character Description Quote
Whit  Walks out of the first practice with Buddy but returns and apologizes the next day “Sorry, Coach, about walkin’ out. I’d be obliged if I got myself another chance.”
Rade  The outspoken player who needs to learn self-control “Got him a good one, didn’t I, Coach?”
Buddy  Is thrown out of the first practice but later rejoins the team “It was Dentyne.”
Everett  Shooter’s son “Coach, what you’re doin’ with my dad—I’m not seein’ it.”
Merle  The beneficent player who encourages Ollie before his game-deciding free throws “Let’s win this one for all the small schools that never had a chance to get here.”
Ollie  The short team manager who becomes a reluctant substitute player “Progress. Progress is electricity, school consolidation, church remodeling…”
Strap  The religious player who prays before every game—and sometimes during games “It’s our bus. After sectionals are over, we paint it white for the summer tent shows. Every fall, back to red.”
Jimmy  The talented and reticent player who initially stays off the team to focus on academics “I’ll make it.”


Supporting Actors

Character Actor Role/Description Quote
Cletus Summers Sheb Wooley School principal; assistant coach “In over 40 years of lookin’ at the best this state’s ever had, I’ve never seen a better ball player than Jimmy Chitwood. Never!”
Millie Summers Gloria Dorson Cletus’s wife “Say hello to Chester. Say goodbye to Chester.”
Loetta Summers Laura Robling Cletus and Millie’s daughter; cheerleader
Nancy Harris Cheerleader
Libbey Schenck Cheerleader
Opal Fleener Fern Persons Myra’s mother “I think we should vote again!”
George Walker Chelcie Ross Father of Hickory Husker Buddy “I don’t know why Cletus drug your tired old bones in here. He musta owed you somethin’ fierce.”
Rollin Butcher Robert Swan Father of Hickory Huskers Rade and Whit; assistant coach “Boys, this man’s got a job to do. He wants you outta here. I best believe you better be on your way.”
Russell “Rooster” Rabun Michael O’Guinne Barber “We don’t get Jimmy Chitwood back playin’ ball, we don’t have a prayer!”
Sam Finley John Robert Thompson Sheriff “Coach here says he’s closing practice to outsiders.”
Carl Tuttle Mike Dalzell Mayor “This town doesn’t like change much. So we thought we’d get together here tonight and show you how we do things here.”
Vernon Doty Wil DeWitt Reverend; offers prayer before games “Tell me: Do you believe in man-to-man or zone defense?”
Preacher Purl Michael Sassone Father of Hickory Husker Strap; drives team bus; offers prayer before games “And David put his hand in the bag and took out a stone and slung it and struck the Philistine on the head. And he fell to the ground. Amen.”
Jerry D. Petro Oolitic referee “Coach, you need one more.”
Sam Smiley Cedar Knob referee “You’re gone, both of you. Out!”
Dennis Farkas Cedar Knob player #11; pokes Norman in the chest and gets punched by Rade “Who you callin’ a gorilla?”
Tim Fogarty Verdi referee “Coach, you thinkin’ ’bout playin’ ball or not?”
Spyridon “Don” “Strats” Stratigos Lyons referee “Technical foul. On the playing floor while the game was in progress. You’re gone. Outta the game. I’m puttin’ you on file with the state commission.”
Ken Strunk Dugger referee “Well, I guess you got your reasons. You’re outta here!”
Junior Calvert L. “Skip” Welker Coach of Terhune, Hickory’s main rival and sectional-game opponent; gas station owner in Terhune; in a deleted scene, speaks to Norman when the coach stops to get gas on his way to Hickory “J. June, look at you! Come on, forfeit that team! The boy can’t even play; he’s all racked up. I’m gonna file a protest!”
J. June (nickname for Junior Jr.) Eric Gilliom Junior’s son; Terhune player #41; during the sectional game, shoves Jimmy and gets attacked by Everett; also appears in the deleted gas station scene
Doc Buggins Ralph H. “Whitey” Shively Doctor who tends to Everett “Oh, mercy. Let’s get him on his feet.”
Jerry D. Larrison Terhune referee “If you lose, then we’ll protest, all right?”
Jeff Moster Linton player #52; is mean to Ollie during the regional game “Didn’t know they grew ’em so small down on the farm.”
Ray Craft Welcomes team to Butler Fieldhouse; tells them when it’s time to take the floor “Off the record, I think this is the most exciting thing that’s ever happened to Indiana basketball. So we’re all behind you. Good luck, and tear ’em up.”
The Travel-Aires: Dennis Lafferty, Darrin Lafferty, Kenny Jobe, Kent Kercheval National Anthem quartet ♪“O say does that Star-Spangled Banner yet wave…”♪
Roger Hamilton, Jr. Boy shooting baskets in empty gym in final scene


Opposing Teams

Oolitic Owls

Actor Uniform Number Hometown High School College
Byron Cardwell Greentown Eastern (Howard County)
Bill Chestnut 15 Cloverdale Cloverdale DePauw
Brian Clark 25
Steve Foster 3 L&M Spartan School of Aeronautics (Tulsa, OK)
David Voss Milan Milan Butler


Cedar Knob Knights

Actor Uniform Number Hometown High School College
Todd Baxter Elmhurst, IL York Community IU
Greg Eckstein 54 Anderson Highland Rollins College (FL)
Dennis Farkas 11 Ellettsville Edgewood Judson College (IL)
Craig Hartman 34 Fort Wayne Snider IPFW, IU
Mark Kimmerling Lapel
Griff Mills 42 Terre Haute Terre Haute South DePauw


Verdi Hornets

Actor Uniform Number Hometown High School College
Alan Huggler Sharpsville Tri-Central Indiana Central University



Actor Uniform Number Hometown High School College
Jamie Davis Anderson Anderson
Jeff Malott Marion Eastbrook Anderson College



Actor Uniform Number Hometown High School College
Mike Ricks 51 Dayton Lafayette McCutcheon Wabash College
Kevin Riley 32 Nappanee NorthWood Vincennes University, University of Indianapolis
Tim Williams 41 Lafayette Central Catholic



Actor Uniform Number Hometown High School College
Jeff Malott Marion Eastbrook Anderson College



Actor Uniform Number Hometown High School College
Ken Petruska Decatur Bellmont Ball State
Rob Petruska Decatur Bellmont Ball State


Terhune Tigers

Actor Uniform Number Hometown High School College
Clay Callender 2 IU
Sean Fitzgerald Lafayette Central Catholic ISU
Eric Gilliom 41 Maui, HI Baldwin (Maui, HI) DePaul (IL)
Kurt Hoffman Westfield Westfield
James D. “Jim” “Jimbo” Rayl 5 Kokomo Kokomo Ball State, IPFW, IU Kokomo

Linton Wildcats

Actor Uniform Number Hometown High School College
Jeff Bates 41 Anderson Highland Anderson College
Bob Gulde 23 Rushville Rushville Consolidated IU
Jeff Moster 52 Lebanon Lebanon IU
Todd Padgett Noblesville Noblesville IU
Daniel Portwood Arcadia Hamilton Heights Ball State
Chris Stine 5 Warsaw Warsaw IU
Todd Unland Indianapolis Ben Davis Indiana Central University


South Bend Central Bears

Actor Uniform Number Hometown High School College
Robbie Conatser 54 Muncie Muncie Southside Vermilion Community College (MN)
Darren Fish 34 Indianapolis Ben Davis Marian College
Terril “Terry” Pettit Columbus Columbus North Mid-America College of Funeral Service
Richard Robinson 45 Indianapolis John Marshall IUPUI
Avery Sims 15 Indianapolis Arsenal Technical
Kevin Tracy 10 Indianapolis Broad Ripple


Norman’s 1939 Ithaca State Team in Photograph

Actor Hometown College
Mick Lewis Fort Wayne DePauw
Curt Hermann New Haven


Unknown Teams

Actor Hometown High School College
Eric Baker Bethesda Christian School
Brad Cofield Bloomington Bloomington North DePauw
Stephen Newell Valparaiso
Tom Ringenberg Richmond Richmond IU
Jerry Scott Chesterton
Doug Wilkerson Brownsburg Brownsburg




Hickory Husker Cheerleaders

Actor Character Hometown High School College
Nancy Harris Wanamaker Franklin Central Indiana Central University
Laura Robling Loetta Indianapolis Manual Indiana Central University
Libbey Schenck Lyons L&M

Opposing Team Cheerleaders

Actor Team Hometown High School College
Lisa Smith Oolitic Urbana Northfield Purdue
Marcia Wright Oolitic Mooresville IUPUI
Beth Hensler Cedar Knob Anderson
Tammy Smith Dugger Urbana Northfield Butler
Renee Franklin Terhune Greenwood Center Grove Butler
Theresa Trout Linton Franklin Whiteland Community IUPUI
Robin Manley South Bend Mooresville


Opposing Coaches

Actor Team Hometown
Jack Schult Oolitic Lafayette
Tom McConnell Cedar Knob Ellettsville
Gene Haynes Verdi Greenwood
Calvert L. “Skip” Welker Terhune (sectional) Indianapolis
Gary Long Linton (regional) Greenwood
C.W. Mundy Linton (regional) Indianapolis
Ray Crowe South Bend Central (state) Indianapolis
Bailey Robertson South Bend Central (state) Indianapolis



Actor Hickory Opponent Hometown
Robert Boyle Oolitic Decatur
Jerry D. Petro Oolitic Franklin
David Eckstein Cedar Knob Anderson
Sam Smiley Cedar Knob Bloomington
Tim Fogarty Verdi West Lafayette
Roger McGriff Verdi Edinburgh
Spyridon “Don” “Strats” Stratigos Lyons Solsberry
Ken Strunk Dugger Cincinnati, OH
Don McBride Holland Richmond
Jerry D. Larrison Terhune (sectional) Noblesville
Thomas W. Marshall Terhune (sectional) Painted Hills
Ken Gorrell Linton (regional) Franklin
Norman Hathcoat South Bend Central (state) Pendleton
Roger Holder Greenfield



Stand-in Name Actor Name
Rich Komenich Gene Hackman
Roger Kunkel Gene Hackman
Tom Beeler Dennis Hopper
Diane Charles Barbara Hershey
Andrielle Metzel Barbara Hershey
Pat Stringer Barbara Hershey


New Richmond Residents Who Were Involved with Hoosiers

Name Job Role in Film
Byron Alexander Furniture store owner
Dave Barker
Helen Oppy Binns Post office owner
Albert Boone Museum owner Extra in street scene
Phyllis Boone
Brandon Brady Kid extra in street scene
Dale Brady Barbershop extra; extra in street scene; permanent extra
Jerilene Brady Extra in street scene
Justin Brady Kid extra in street scene
Janet Brown Street-crossing extra
O.C. Buck Extra in street scene
Jonathan Burns Kid extra in street scene
Mark Clapp Town marshal
John Cowan Barbershop extra
Eric Dean City attorney
James Fenters Permanent extra
Sheila Fenters Permanent extra
Carolyn Fiddler Grocery store owner
Jack Fifer Barbershop extra
Christine Fruits Student extra
Louise Grantham Retired teacher Extra at Nineveh school
Jeannie Grote Extra
Margaret Horn Extra
Ronald L. Horn Barbershop extra; permanent extra
Ruth Kelp Street-crossing extra
Janice Kunkel
Michelle Kunkel Student extra in caravan scene
Ralph Kunkel Barbershop extra; extra at basketball practice; drove Coach Dale’s car when filmed from a distance
Roger Kunkel Plumbing and heating business owner Permanent extra; drove Coach Dale’s car when filmed from a distance
Bill “Beck” Lane Co-owner of empty store that became feed-and-grain; the crew used this building for storage Barbershop extra
Elsie Lane Co-owner of feed-and-grain Extra
Linda Layton Restaurant owner
Christopher Lewellyn Husker stand-in; student extra
Wilma Lewellyn Postmaster Permanent extra
Jason Linton Kid extra with truck and dog
Dick Martin Barbershop extra; permanent extra
Mildred Martin Extra in street scene; permanent extra
Sarah Martin Kid extra in street scene
Vicki Martin Extra in street scene
Mike McCormick Insurance agent
Morris McCulloch Extra
Mary Ellen Meharry Permanent extra
Roy Meharry Scorekeeper at home games, townsman at basketball practice, restored old scoreboards for game scenes
Doris Mennen Extra in street scene; permanent extra
Glen Mennen Barbershop extra; extra at basketball practice; permanent extra
Don Miles
Ben Miller Phone company executive; owner of buildings used for barbershop and volunteer fire department Barbershop extra; permanent extra
Maxine Miller Permanent extra
Dorothy Newnum
Ora Newnum
Roger Newnum Economic development coordinator for the state of Indiana
Daryl Olin Barbershop extra; permanent extra
Matt Olin Extra
Wilberta “Batie” Olin Permanent extra
David Oppy Provided pigs for Cletus’s farm; barbershop extra
Joan Oppy Provided pigs for Cletus’s farm; extra
Pat Oppy
Sue Oppy
Joan Puckett
Laura Puckett Student extra
Dennis Rice Sheriff
Alma Rogers Retired teacher Extra at Nineveh school
Onia Shoaf Town marshal
Maynard “Stub” Spencer Barbershop extra; permanent extra
Vivian Spencer Permanent extra
Bob Stephens Barbershop extra
Clarence Stephens Barbershop extra; permanent extra
Doris Stephens Permanent extra
Fannie Stephens
Jim Stephens Barbershop extra
Charles William “Bill” Swick Supplied old farm equipment; barbershop extra; extra at basketball practice; permanent extra
Raymond E. “Bud” Swick Barbershop extra; extra at basketball practice; permanent extra
Doris Swick Permanent extra
Martha Swick Permanent extra: Mrs. Purl
Bob Thayer
Hilary Thayer Extra in street scene
Rick Vaughn Adult extra with truck and dog
Richard Verhey
Bob Waldron Extra in street scene
Bob “Sparky” Watts Barbershop extra; permanent extra
Joan Watts Permanent extra
Virginia Waye Extra
Stan Whitehead Permanent extra
Harold Widmer Barbershop extra; permanent extra
Helen Widmer Extra in street scene; permanent extra
Howard Widmer
Mildred Young Leaf-raking extra
Permanent extras from New Richmond. Row 1: Bill Swick, Vivian Spencer, Mildred Martin, Doris Swick. Row 2: Martha Swick, Maxine Miller, Joan Watts, ?, Doris Mennen, Glen Mennen. Row 3: Maynard “Stub” Spencer, Robert “Sparky” Watts, Wilma Lewellyn, Mary Ellen Meharry, Doris Stephens, Clarence Stephens. Row 4: Dick Martin, Daryl Olin, Batie Olin.

Permanent extras from New Richmond. Row 1: Bill Swick, Vivian Spencer, Mildred Martin, Doris Swick. Row 2: Martha Swick, Maxine Miller, Joan Watts, ?, Doris Mennen, Glen Mennen. Row 3: Maynard “Stub” Spencer, Robert “Sparky” Watts, Wilma Lewellyn, Mary Ellen Meharry, Doris Stephens, Clarence Stephens. Row 4: Dick Martin, Daryl Olin, Batie Olin.


Knightstown Residents Who Were Involved with Hoosiers

Name Role in Film
Kellie Alredge Hickory student
Josephine Carter Permanent extra
Ed Dunsmore Reporter in Hickory gym
Eddie Hager Husker stand-in
Jeff Hamilton Pep band: director
Roger Hamilton, Jr. Boy in Hickory gym in final scene
Kyle Hope Pep band: trombone
Brian Hulse Pep band: trumpet
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Johnson
Mark Jones Pep band: snare drum
Erikk Knapp Pep band: tuba; Hickory student
Chad Leakey Husker stand-in
Dick Leakey Reporter in Hickory gym
Sherri Lee Hickory student
Alan Manche Hickory student walking down stairs
Jeff Maxwell Pep band: trumpet
Peg Mayhill Permanent extra
Ross McMahan Hickory student
Scott Peyton Pep band: bass drum
Eric Rogers Hickory student
Rachael Rose Pep band: clarinet
Ron Smith Pep band: alto sax
Sheri Tinkle Hickory student
Mike Wade Student extra
Ross Wells Pep band: baritone; Hickory student


Additional Students and Teacher Who Participated in School Scenes

Indian Creek Middle School students

Alicia Adkins, Denise Arnold, Bobby Betts, Josh Blackwell, Nathan Blackwell, Julie Bradley, Tina Burton, Les Chapman, Darby Flora, Bobby Follette, Kelly Hannum, Bobby Hogue, Burt Love, Travis Park, Bobbi Payne, Lora Peavey, David Richardson, Carrie Roe, Jennifer Scott, Paul Slevin, Andy Smith, Angela Smithes, Matthew Spurgeon, Cara Stockton, Cathy Tharpe, Shelly Thompson, Candy Tow, Matt Van Winkle, Becky White, Kenny Zook

Indian Creek High School students

Lorrie Barger, Jimmy Baysinger, Angela Bundy, Kelli Fesler, Matt Haughey, Dean Isley, Lianna Isley, Suzy Jester, Chuck Kemp, Pat Lashbrook, Karen Lewis, Vicki Marshall (Knightstown filming), Andrielle Metzel, Rick Morse, Cara Robinson, Bobby Waln, Terri Weaver, Brad Whetstine, Brian White, Sheila White, Nancy Wurster, Amy Yohler, Lora Lee Young

Indian Creek High School teacher and counselor

Keith Sichting

In Memoriam

Name Role in Film Year of Death
Gene Hackman Coach Norman Dale 2025
Robert Swan Rollin Butcher 2023
Gloria Dorson Millie Summers 2022
David Nichols Production designer 2020
Jerry D. Larrison Terhune (sectional) referee 2019
Sam Smiley Cedar Knob referee, reporter outside Jasper gym 2018
John Robert Thompson Sheriff Sam Finley 2016
G. Michael “Mike” Dalzell Mayor Carl Tuttle 2015
Robert Boyle Oolitic referee 2014
Tom Countryman Crane operator (may have been the person who suggested holding a real high school basketball game at Hinkle Fieldhouse to attract more fans after few extras showed up for the first of four nights of filming at Hinkle) 2012
Fern Persons Opal Fleener 2012
Gene Haynes Verdi coach 2011
Tom Carnegie P.A. announcer at state finals 2011
Dennis Hopper Wilbur “Shooter” Flatch 2010
Ralph H. “Whitey” Shively Doc Buggins 2009
Tom McConnell Cedar Knob coach, technical advisor 2009
John Daly Executive producer 2008
Carroll Timothy O’Meara Film editor 2007
Jerry Goldsmith Soundtrack composer 2004
Ray Crowe South Bend head coach (state finals) 2003
Sheb Wooley Principal Cletus Summers 2003
Kent Poole Hickory Husker Merle Webb 2003
Wil DeWitt Reverend Vernon Doty 2003
Roy Meharry Scorekeeper at home games, townsman at basketball practice, restored old scoreboards for game scenes 2000
Hilliard Gates Radio announcer at state finals 1996
Bailey Robertson South Bend assistant coach (state finals) 1994