Upcoming Events
Saturday, April 12: Free showing of Hoosiers at the Hoosier Gym, 355 N. Washington St., Knightstown, Indiana. Join others in honoring the late Gene Hackman by watching Hoosiers in the gymnasium where the movie’s home games were filmed. The screening begins at 6:30 pm EST. Admission is free. No tickets or reservations are necessary. Open seating. Donations of nonperishable food items for the local food bank, as well as monetary contributions, will be accepted. Concessions and Hoosier Gym merchandise will be for sale. Special guest: Brad Long, who played Hickory Husker Buddy, whom Coach Dale throws out of the first basketball practice.
The Making of Hoosiers, Second Edition, is now available for Kindle.

Recent Past Events
The Hoosier Gym in Knightstown celebrated its 100th birthday in November 2021.
The Hoosier Gym in Knightstown was awarded a $500,000 grant from the Indiana Office of Community and Rural Affairs (OCRA). The money went toward a new roof, new windows, and brick tuck-pointing that will help preserve this 1921 gymnasium, a popular tourist destination and community center. Renovations began in the summer of 2019 and continued through 2020.
Ailyn Perez
Mark Cuban
Sage Steele
Michael Uslan
Will Shortz
Watch all five commercials plus behind-the-scenes extras.