- Residents line up for a chance to be an extra in the movie, September 28, 1985.
- Gene Hackman waits for filming to begin, October 18, 1985.
- Director David Anspaugh (far left), Barbara Hershey and Hackman (center), and some townspeople in front of the feed-and-grain and barbershop, October 23, 1985
- Crew members painted store windows in preparation for the caravan scene, filmed December 3, 1985. It had snowed overnight.
Fencerow: Norman and Myra Talk Outside
- Director David Anspaugh (second from right) contemplates the shot.
- The stand-ins for Gene Hackman and Barbara Hershey help set the scene before filming.
- Hackman takes his place as Anspaugh walks away.
Caravan to State Finals
- It was extremely cold on the day of the caravan filming, December 3, 1985. Michelle Kunkel wore sweats and gloves before the cameras rolled.