The Huskers before receiving haircuts. Front row: Steve Hollar (Rade), Wade Schenck (Ollie), Brad Boyle (Whit). Back row: Brad Long (Buddy), Maris Valainis (Jimmy), Scott Summers (Strap), David Neidorf (Everett), Kent Poole (Merle)
The Huskers listen to Milan 1954 team member Ray Craft.
Cast members could relax in an RV during filming breaks.
Front row: Kent Poole (Merle), Steve Hollar (Rade). Back row: Maris Valainis (Jimmy), Wade Schenck (Ollie), Brad Long (Buddy), Brad Boyle (Whit), Scott Summers (Strap), David Neidorf (Everett)
Brad Long (Buddy) and his movie father, Chelcie Ross (George)
The Huskers were housed at the Ramada Inn on the far westside of Indianapolis during the filming. Shown are Kent Poole and Wade Schenck.
Kent Poole and Steve Hollar visit with Laura Robling before the filming of one of her scenes in Liberty Chapel, site of principal Cletus Summers’ and Coach Dale’s homes.

Brad Long (Buddy) signs autographs during a break in home-game filming.